Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/215

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Tánya. About the lamp?

Yákov. God knows how it escaped from my hands. I just began to wipe it off and wanted to put my hand around it, when it jumped out and broke into tiny bits. What a misfortune! It is easy enough for Grigóri Mikháylych to talk the way he does, for he is a single man, but I have a family—I have to think about everything, and feed them. Work does not trouble me— So she did not say anything? Well, thank God!— Fédor Iványch, have you one spoon or two?

Fédor Iványch. One, one! (Reading the newspaper. Yákov exit.)

Scene XII. Tánya, Fédor Iványch, and Messenger. Bell is rung. Enter Grigóri with tray, and Porter.

Porter (to Grigóri). Announce to the master that the peasants from the village are here!

Grigóri (pointing to Fédor Iványch). Tell the valet! I have no time. (Exit.)

Scene XIII. Tánya, Fédor Iványch, Porter, and Messenger.

Tánya. Where are the peasants from?

Porter. From the Government of Kursk, I think.

Tánya (squeaking). It is they—Semén's father,—about the land. I will go and meet them. (Running away.)

Scene XIV. Fédor Iványch, Porter, and Messenger.

Porter. What do you say? Shall I let them in here or what? They say they have come in regard to the land,—the master knows.

Fédor Iványch. Yes, about the purchase of the land.