Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/228

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Fédor Iványch. Well, hump yourselves and get some more!

First Peasant. We have collected this with difficulty. There is not enough powder for these considerations, sir.

Second Peasant. When there is none, you can't get it with your teeth.

Third Peasant. We should like to, but, we will say, we have swept this up with a broom, as it is.

Scene XXVIII. The same, Vasíli Leonídych, and Petríshchev (at the door, both with cigarettes).

Vasíli Leonídych. I told you I would try. I will do my level best. Ah, what?

Petríshchev. You must know that if you do not get it, the devil knows what a nasty affair it will be!

Vasíli Leonídych. I told you I would try, and I will. Ah, what?

Petríshchev. Nothing. I only say I want you to be sure and get it. I will wait. (Goes away, closing the door.)

Scene XXIX. The same, without Petríshchev.

Vasíli Leonídych (waving his hand). The devil knows what it is!

(The peasants bow.)

Vasíli Leonídych (looking at the messenger. To Fédor Iványch). Why don't you let off this man from Bourdier? He has come to stay here. Look there, he is asleep. Ah, what?

Fédor Iványch. He brought a note— He was told to wait until Anna Pávlovna would come out.

Vasíli Leonídych (looking at the peasants and gazing at the money). What is this,—money? For whom?