Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/253

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us! The land is small, there is not enough room to drive out a cow, nay, not even a chick.

Fédor Iványch. The affair is not in my hands. (To the Second Peasant.) Well, well, friend, so we are the match-makers! Tánya's affair is settled, is it not?

Second Peasant. I have told you, and I will not back out, even without the drinks. If only our affair came out right!

Scene II. The same. Enter Woman Cook. She looks into the stove, makes signs into that direction, and immediately begins to speak with animation to Fédor Iványch.

Cook. They have just called Semén away from the family kitchen, and have taken him up-stairs; the master and the other fellow, the one that is bald and who makes them come, have put him down in a chair and have ordered him to act in Kápchich's place.

Fédor Iványch. What nonsense!

Cook. It is the truth! Yákov has just told Tánya about it.

Fédor Iványch. This is wonderful!

Scene III. The same and Coachman.

Fédor Iványch. What do you want?

Coachman (to Fédor Iványch). Do tell them that I was not hired to live with dogs. Let anybody else live who wants to, but I am not willing.

Fédor Iványch. With what dogs?

Coachman. They brought three dogs from Vasíli Leonídych to the coachman's room. They have dirtied it, and they howl, and you can't get near them, for they bite. They are angry devils, and they will eat me up if I do not look out. I feel like breaking their legs with a stick.