Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/279

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me! And with my ailing— Doctor, doctor! Peter Petróvich He has gone!

(Sobs and exit, followed by Leonid Fédorovich.)

Scene XX. Three peasants, Tánya, Fédor Iványch, Cook, and Old Cook (on oven).

(Tableau. All stand for a long while in silence.)

Third Peasant. God be merciful with them! Before you know it a man will here be hauled up by the police. I have not been in court in all my life. Let us go to a lodging, boys!

Fédor Iványch (to Tánya). What is to be done?

Tánya. Nothing, Fédor Iványch. Let them go to the coachman's room.

Fédor Iványch. How can they go to the coachman's room? The coachman has been complaining, as it is, that there are too many dogs there.

Tánya. Well, then, to the male servants' room.

Fédor Iványch. But if they should find out?

Tánya. They will not find out. Have no fear, Fédor Iványch. How can we drive them away at night? They would not even find a place.

Fédor Iványch. Well, do as you think best, so they are away from here. (Exit.)

Scene XXI. Three Peasants, Tánya, Cook, and Old Cook. (Peasants pick up their wallets.)

Old Cook. I declare, they are accursed devils! They are having too good a time! The devils!

Cook. You shut up! Thank the Lord they did not see you!

Tánya. Come, my uncles, to the servants' room!

First Peasant. Well, how is our affair? How, for