Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/285

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Scene VI. Leoníd Fédorovich, Professor, Stout Lady, and Tánya (concealed).

Professor (to Sakhátov). The measurement of the temperature and pulse show a loss of vital energy. The same will happen at mediumistic phenomena. The law of the preservation of energy—

Stout Lady. Yes, yes. I wanted to say that I am very glad to see that a common peasant has turned out to be a medium. That is nice. I always said that the Slavophiles—

Leoníd Fédorovich. Let us meanwhile go to the drawing-room!

Stout Lady. Permit me to say just two words. The Slavophiles are right, but I always tell my husband that there is no reason for exaggerating. The golden means, you know— How can one affirm that everything is good with the masses, when I myself saw—

Leoníd Fédorovich. Won't you, please, go to the drawing-room?

Stout Lady. A boy not bigger than this, and he drinks. I scolded him. He was grateful to me for it later on. They are children, and children, so I always said, need love and severity— (All exeunt, talking.)

Scene VII. Tánya (alone, coming out from behind the door).

Tánya. Oh, if I only may succeed! (Ties twine.)

Scene VIII. Tánya and Betsy (walks in hurriedly).

Betsy. Is papa not here? (Looking at Tánya.) What are you doing here?

Tánya. Oh, Lizavéta Leonídovna, I just came in—I wanted I just came in— (Confused.)