Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/289

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Fédor Iványch (rising without haste). Yes. (Smiling.) Only I am afraid your new medium may disgrace himself, Leoníd Fédorovich.

Leoníd Fédorovich. No, Aleksyéy Vladímirovich and I have tested him. He is a wonderfully strong medium!

Fédor Iványch. I do not know about that. But is he clean? You have not troubled yourself about ordering him to wash his hands. It might cause some inconvenience.

Leoníd Fédorovich. His hands? Oh, yes! You think they might be dirty?

Fédor Iványch. Yes, he being a peasant. And there will be ladies present, and Márya Vasílevna.

Leoníd Fédorovich. Let them be!

Fédor Iványch. I wanted to tell you something else: Timoféy, the coachman, came to complain about the dogs; he says it is impossible to keep clean on account of them.

Leoníd Fédorovich (placing things on the table, distractedly). What dogs?

Fédor Iványch. They brought three greyhounds from Vasíli Leonídych this morning, and they were put in the coachman's room.

Leoníd Fédorovich (annoyed). Tell Anna Pávlovna about it! Let her do as she pleases! I have no time.

Fédor Iványch. You know her weakness for Vasíli Leonídych—

Leoníd Fédorovich. Let her do as she pleases. From him nothing but annoyance— Well, I have no time.

Scene XII. The same and Semén (in sleeveless coat, enters smiling).

Semén. Did you call me?

Leoníd Fédorovich. Yes, yes. Let me see your hands! All right, all right! So, my dear, you do just