Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/99

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Anísya. I will not work for you! You may be sure I won't. Go and work yourself.

Peter. Stop. Don't carry on like a crazy sheep!

Anísya. You are yourself a mad dog! There is no work in you, and I don't get any joy out of you. You do nothing but eat all the time. A lazy dog you are, upon my word.

Peter (spits out and puts on his coat). Pshaw, the Lord be merciful to you! I must go and find out what is up. (Exit.)

Anísya (crying after him). Rotten, long-nosed devil!

Scene VI. Anísya and Akulína.

Akulína. Why are you scolding father?

Anísya Shut up, you fool!

Akulína. (walking up to the door). I know why you are. You are yourself a fool, and a dog. I am not afraid of you.

Anísya. What do you say? (Jumps up and looks around for something to throw at her.) If you don't look out I will hit you with the plough-handle.

Akulína. (opening the door). You are a dog, a devil, that's what you are! A devil, a dog, a dog, a devil! (Runs away.)

Scene VII. Anísya (alone).

Anísya (in thought). "Come to the wedding," says he. What are they up to? To marry him? Look out, Nikita! If that is your trick, I will—I cannot live without him. I will not let him.

Scene VIII. Anísya and Nikíta.

Nikíta (enters, looking about him. Seeing that Anísya is alone, he walks over to her. In a whisper). What am