Page:Complete Works of Lewis Carroll.djvu/128

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"You can really have no notion how delightful it will be
When they take us up and throw us, with the lobsters, out to seal"
But the snail replied "Too far, too far!" and gave a look, askance—
Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance.
Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance.
Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance.

"What matters it how far we go?" his scaly friend replied.
The further off from England the nearer is to France.
There is another shore, you know, upon the other side.
Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.
Will you, wont you, will you, wo'nt you, will you join the dance?
Will you, wont you, will you, wo'nt you, will you join the dance?"

"Thank you, it's a very interesting dance to watch," said Alice, feellng very glad that it was over at last: "and I do so like that curious song about the whiting!"

"Oh, as to the whiting," said the Mock Turtle, "they— you've seen them, of course?"

"Yes," said Alice, "I've often seen them at dinn——" she checked herself hastily.

"I don't know where Dinn may be," said the Mock Turtle; "but, if you've seen them so often, of course you know what they're like?"

"I believe so," Alice replied thoughtfully. "They have their tails in their mouths—and they're all over crumbs."

"You're wrong about the crumbs," said the Mock Turtle: "crumbs would all wash off in the sea. But they have