Page:Complete Works of Lewis Carroll.djvu/1300

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a miscellany

May 31 : June 7: June 14: June 21 : A MISCELLANY HOOK FISH. QUELL a BRAVO. Stow FURIES in BARREL. BUY an ASS. Get COAL from MINE. Pay COSTS in PENCE. Raise ONE to TWO. Change BLUE to PINK. Change BLACK to WHITE. Change FISH to BIRD. Sell SHOES for CRUST. Make KETTLE HOLDER.


(June, 1891)

The Rule, for Commissions chargeable on overdue Postal Orders, is given in the "Post Office Guide" in these words, (it is here divided, for convenience of reference, into 3 clauses)—

(a) After the expiration of 3 months from the last day of the month of issue, a Postal Order will be payable only on payment of a Commission, equal to the amount of the original poundage

(b) with the addition (if more than 3 months have elapsed since the said expiration) of the amount of the original poundage for every further period of 3 months which has so elapsed