Page:Complete Works of Lewis Carroll.djvu/16

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1860 xxxxxFaces in the Fire
1860 xxxxxA Photographer's Day Out
1860 xxxxxRules For Court Circular
1860 xxxxxA Valentine
1860-1863 Poeta Fit, non Nascitur
1861 xxxxxA Sea Dirge
1861 xxxxxOde to Damon
1861 xxxxxThose Horrid Hurdy-Gurdies!
1861 xxxxxAcrostic: Little maiden, when you look
1861 xxxxxThree Sunsets
1861 xxxxxAfter Three Days
1862 xxxxxMy Fancy
1862 xxxxxBeatrice
1862 xxxxxStolen Waters
1862 xxxxxOnly a Woman's Hair
1862 xxxxxThe Mock Turtle's Song (Early version)
1863 xxxxxCroquet Castles
1863 xxxxxSize and Tears
1863 xxxxxThe Majesty of Justice
1864 xxxxxExamination Statute
1865 xxxxxThe New Method of Evaluation
1865 xxxxxThe Dynamics of a Parti-cle
1865 xxxxxAlice's Adventures in Wonderland
1866 xxxxxThe Elections to the Hebdomadal Council
1867 xxxxxThe Deserted Park
1868 xxxxxThe Valley of the Shadow of Death
1868 xxxxxThe Offer of the Clarendon Trustees
1868 xxxxxThe Alphabet Cipher
1869 xxxxxPhantasmagoria
1869 xxxxxMelancholetta
1869 xxxxxTheme With Variations
1869 xxxxxAtalanta in Camden Town
1869 xxxxxThe Lang Coortin'
1869 xxxxxTo three puzzled little Girls from the Author
1869 xxxxxDouble Acrostic: I sing a place wherein agree
1869 xxxxxThree Little Maids
1870 xxxxxPuzzles from Wonderland
1871 xxxxxPrologue
1871 xxxxxPrologue to "La Guida di Bragia"