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himself, according to the will of his Father, Isa. 55: 6; 62: 2; Rom. 13: 12.

Thus I labor and strive, according to the small talent given me of God, of which God is my witness, after nothing else than that the Day star, the blessed Christ Jesus, the ever shining Light may arise in your heart and enlighten you in all divine truth; knowledge, spiritual understanding, and wisdom, unto life eternal. Amen, 2 Pet. 1: 19.

Most beloved reader, herewith I beseech you all, whether you be lord, prince, learned or unlearned, to peruse these and all my writings, with the fear of God in your hearts, and I have no doubt but you will clearly find that our doctrine, which is the doctrine of Jesus Christ and his holy apostles, does not tend to mutiny, discord, treason, and rebellion; but rather, yea surely, to true, Christian love, unity, and peace. For Christ Jesus whom we preach, is the true Prince of eternal peace, and not of discord, Isa. 9. Say, whom have we curtailed? Whom have we injured? We sincerely seek nothing but that we may save all mankind. Not only at the cost of our chattels, shelter, gold, silver, and labor, but also (understand it in an spiritual sense) at the cost of our life blood.

Verily, verily, I say, If all lords and princes and their subjects who boast of the name of Christ, would acknowledge the before-mentioned doctrine of Jesus Christ as right and true, and were minded as the doctrine, life and Spirit of Christ require, then it would not be necessary to fortify cities and towns; to keep cavalry and infantry, nor to manufacture deadly weapons such as guns, swords, and spears. I do not here speak of the sword of justice which is given as a punishment to the wicked and protection of the good. But it would be as the prophet says, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." "But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree," Isa. 2: 4; Micah 4: 3, 4. For it is impossible that those who have committed themselves to the doctrine, life, body, and church of Jesus Christ and remain therein, should seek or desire any thing but divine love, peace, and unity; to suppress all evil, and protect all good, as becomes us in Christ Jesus. But we do not abet the false prophets of the corrupted sects which in many actions transgress the doctrine, rule, and measure of Christ.

Herewith we commend you to the Lord. O, faithful readers. And now judge for yourselves according to the word of the Lord, whether or not I have, by his grace pointed out to you the truth of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Grace, peace, mercy, true knowledge, and life eternal be to all who, in truth, love Christ Jesus, Amen. Do not hide the praise of God. But let it be read, and heard by all who diligently seek and desire it.

Beloved brethren, do not deviate from the doctrine and life of Christ.