Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/265

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How deserving Jesus Christ is of our Love, on Account of the Love He has shown us in His Passion.

The whole sanctity and perfection of a soul consists in loving Jesus Christ, our God, our sovereign good, and our Redeemer. Whoever loves me, says Jesus Christ himself, shall be loved by my Eternal Father: My Father loves you because you have loved Me.[1] Some, says St. Francis de Sales,[2] make perfection consist in an austere life; others in prayer; others in frequenting the Sacraments; others in alms-deeds. But they deceive themselves: perfection consists in loving God with our whole heart. The Apostle wrote: Above all things, … have charity, which is the bond of perfection.[3] It is charity which keeps united and preserves all the virtues that render a man perfect. Hence St. Augustine said: "Love God, and do whatever you please;"[4] because a soul that loves God is taught by that same love never to do anything that will displease him, and to leave nothing undone that may please him.

But perhaps God does not deserve all our love? He has loved us with an everlasting love.[5] O man, says the Lord, behold I was the first to love thee. Thou wast

  1. "Ipse enim Pater amat vos, quia vos me amastis."John, xvi. 27.
  2. Spirit, p. 1, ch. 25.
  3. "Super omnia, … charitatem habete, quod est vinculum perfectionis."—Col. iii. 14.
  4. "Ama, et fac quod vis."
  5. "In charitate perpetua dilexi te."Jer. xxxi. 3.