Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/354

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Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ.

life, and for obtaining the love of Jesus Christ, is prayer. In the first place, I say that by this means God convinces us of the great love he bears us. What greater proof of affection can a person give to a friend than to say to him, "My friend, ask anything you like of me, and I will give it you?" Now, this is precisely what our Lord says to us: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.[1] Wherefore prayer is called all-powerful with God to obtain every blessing: "Prayer, though it is one, can effect all things," as Theodoret says;[2] whoever prays, obtains from God whatever he chooses. The words of David are beautiful: Blessed be God who hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.[3] Commenting on this passage, St. Augustine says, "As long as thou seest thyself not failing in prayer, be assured that the divine mercy will not fail thee either." And St. John Chrysostom: "We always obtain, even while we are still praying."[4] When we pray to God he grants us the grace we ask for, even before we have ended our petition. If then we are poor, let us blame only ourselves, since we are poor merely because we wish to be poor, and so we are undeserving of pity. What sympathy can there be for a beggar, who, having a very rich master, and one most desirous to provide him with everything if he will only ask for it, nevertheless chooses still to continue in his poverty sooner than ask for what he wants? "Behold," says the Apostle, "our God is ready to enrich all who call upon him:" Rich unto all that call upon Him.[5]

Humble prayer, then, obtains all from God; but we

  1. "Petite, et dabitur vobis; quærite, et invenietis."Matt. vii. 7.
  2. "Oratio cum sit una omnia potest."—Ap. Rodr. p. 1, tr. 5, c. 14; Wisd. vii. 27.
  3. "Benedictus Deus, qui non amovit orationem meam et misericordiam suam a me."Ps. lxv. 20.
  4. "Semper obtinemus, etiam dum adhuc oramus."
  5. "Dives in omnibus qui invocant ilium."Rom. x 12.