Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/146

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upon a sieve over an earthen pan; then strain it through your jelly-bag, and to every pound of jelly take the like quantity of fine loaf sugar, which clarify and boil till it cracks; then put in the jelly, mix it well, and give it a heat on the fire; scum it and fill your glasses; in drying order them as before directed.

To make clear Cakes of White Pear Plumbs.

Take the clearest of your plumbs, put them into a gallipot, and boil them in a pot of boiling water, till they are enough; let the clear part run from them, and to every pound of liquor, add as much sugar, boiled to a candy height; then take it off, put the liquor to it; and stir all together till it be thoroughly hot, but not boiled; put it in glasses, and dry them in a stove with a constant warm fire.

To make Almond Cakes or Figures.

Boil a pound of double refined sugar to a thin candy; blanch, with orange flower water, half a pound of Jordan almonds; add the juice of one lemon, and the peels of two, grated to the juice; first boil your sugar and almonds together, stirring it till the sugar is boiled to a proper height; put in the lemon juice, stir it well together over a slow fire, taking care it does not boil after the juice is in; make this into cakes, or what form or shape you please, either gilt or plain.

Another Way.

Take two ounces of bitter, and one pound of sweet almonds, blanched and beat with a little rose or orange flower water, and the white of an
