Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/148

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rants well washed, picked, and dried, and three pounds of raisins stoned and cut into small pieces; mix all these well together, make five pints of cream almost scalding hot, put into it four pounds of fresh butter, beat the yolks of twenty eggs, three pints of good ale yeast, a pint of sack, a quarter of a pint of orange flower water, three grains of musk, and six grains of ambergris; mix these together, and stir them into your cream and butter; then mix all in the cake, and set it for an hour before the fire, to rise, before you put it in the hoop; mix your sweetmeats in it, two pounds of citron, and one pound of candied orange and lemon peel, cut in small pieces; bake it in a deep hoop, butter the sides, put two papers at the bottom, flour it, and put in your cakes; it must have a quick oven, and will take four hours to bake it; when it is drawn ice it over the top and sides; take two pounds of double refined sugar, beat and sifted, the whites of six eggs beat to a froth, with three or four spoonfuls of orange flower water, and three grains of musk and ambergris; beat these in a stone mortar with a wood pestle, till it be as white as snow, and, with a brush or bunch of feathers, spread it all over the cake, and put it into the oven to dry, taking care the oven does not discolour it; when it is cold paper it, and it will keep good five or six weeks.

Another Way.

Take four pounds of flour dried and sifted, seven pounds of currants clean washed, picked and rubbed well, six pounds of the best fresh
