Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/151

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The Complete

as white as snow; cover your cake all over, and stick some thin slices of citron, if you put any in the cake.

Another Way.

Take seven pounds of flour, two pounds and an half of butter, and mix them; seven pounds of currants, two large nutmegs, half an ounce of mace, and a quarter of an ounce of cloves, all finely beat and grated; one pound of sugar, and sixteen eggs, leaving four whites; put in a full pint and an half of ale yeast, warm as much cream to make it as thick as batter; beat also one pound of almonds with sack and orange flower water, but do not let them be fine but grossly beat; put in a pound of candied orange, lemon, and citron peel, or more if you desire it very rich; mix all, put it into your hoop, with paste under it to save the bottom.

To make a very fine rich Plumb Cake.

Take four pounds of the finest four well dried and sifted, six pounds of the best fresh butter, seven pounds of currants well washed, picked, and rubbed very clean and dry; two pounds of Jordan almonds, blanched and beat in a marble mortar, with sack and orange flower water, till they are very fine; take four pounds of eggs, leave out half the whites, and add three pounds of double refined sugar, beat and sifted through a lawn sieve, with mace, cloves, and cinnamon, of each a quarter of an ounce; three large nutmegs beat fine, a little ginger, of sack and brandy half a pint each, sweetmeats to your
