Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/161

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The Complete

work it all together at the fire, pulling it to pieces two or three times before you make it up.

To make Whetstone Cakes.

Take half pound of fine flour, and the same quantity of loaf sugar seered, a pound of caraway seeds dried, the yolk of one egg, the whites of three, a little rose water, with ambergris dissolved in it; mix all well together, and roll it out as thin as a wafer; cut them with a glass, lay them on floured paper, and bake them in a very slow oven.

To make Bean Cakes.

Take an equal weight of fine sugar and blanched almonds cut in long narrow slices; slice some preserved orange, lemon, and citron peel; beat the white of a new laid egg, with a little orange flower water, to a high froth; put as much of the froth into sugar as will just wet it, and with the point of a knife build up your almonds, piling it round as high as you can upon a water; let some ambergris be in your sugar, and bake them after the manner of a manchet.

To make Gum Cakes.

Take gum dragon, let it lie all night in rose water till it is dissolved, have doubled refined sugar beaten and seered, and mix your gum and sugar together; make it up into a paste, then roll some up plan, and some with herbs and flowers; all the paste must be kept separately, the herbs and flowers must be beat small before you make them into paste; but you may use the juice of the flowers and herbs only; sweet mar-
