Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/164

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well together for an hour with your hand, or a great wooden spoon; butter a pan and put it in, and then bake it an hour in a quick oven. For change, you may put in a pound of currants, clean washed and picked.

To make Butter Cakes.

Take a dish of butter and beat it with your hands till it is like cream, two pounds of fine sugar beat and sifted, three pounds of flour well dried, and mix the butter with twenty-four eggs, leave out half the whites, and then beat all together for one hour; when you are going to put it into the oven, add a quarter of an ounce of mace and a nutmeg beaten; a little sack and brandy, and seeds or currants, as you please.

To make Rice Cakes.

Take the yolks of sixteen eggs and beat them half an hour with a whisk, put to them three quarters of a pound of loaf sugar beat and sifted fine, and beat it well into the eggs; put in half a pound of the rice, a little orange flower water and brandy, and the rinds of two lemons grated; then beat seven whites with a whisk for an hour, and beat all together for a quarter of an hour, then put them in small hoops, and bake them half an hour in a quick oven.

To make Prussian Cakes.

Dry half a pound of fine flour well, a pound of fine sugar beaten and sifted, seven eggs, and beat the whites and yolks separately, the peels of two lemons grated fine, and the juice of one and an half, and a pound of almonds beat fine with rose
