Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/167

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The Complete

To make Sugar Cakes.

Take three pounds of fine flour, dried well and sifted, add two pounds of loaf sugar beaten and sifted; put in the yolks of four eggs, a little mace, a quarter of a pint of rose water, and, if you chuse, musk or ambergris may be dissolved in your sugar; mix all together, make it up to roll out, then bake them in a quick oven, and sift some sugar on them.

To make Cream Cakes

Sift some double refined sugar, beat the whites of seven or eight egg, shake in as many spoonfuls of the sugar, grate in the rind of a large lemon, drop the froth on a paper, laid on tin, in lumps, at a distance, sift a good deal of sugar over them, set them in a middling oven, the froth will rise, just colour them; you may put raspberry jam, and clap two bottoms together; set them in a cool oven to dry.

To make a Fashion Cake.

Mix a handful of flour with a pint of good cream, half a pound of beef suet, melted and sifted, a quarter of a pound of sugar powder, half a pound of raisins stoned and chopped, dried flowers of orange, a glass of brandy, a little coriander and salt; bake it as all other cakes, about an hour, and glaze or garnish it.

To make Puff Cakes.

Make some fine puff paste, roll it as thin as a crown piece, take a dish of the bigness of the cake you design to make, and place the same
