Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/172

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three spoonfuls of rose or orange flower water, and, as your beat it up, strew in a pound of double refined sugar well beat and finely sifted; when the eggs and sugar are as thick and white as cream, take pound and two ounces of the finest flour that is dried, and mix with it; then lay it in long cakes, and bake them in a cool oven.

To make Naples Biscuits.

Put three quarters of a pound of very fine flour to a pound of fine sugar sifted; sift it three times, then add six eggs well beat, and a spoonful or rose water; when the oven is almost hot, make them, but take care that they are made up too wet.

To make Sponge Biscuits.

Beat the yolks of twelve eggs for half an hour, then put in a pound and an half of fine sugar beat and sifted, whisk it well till you see it rise in bubbles, them beat the whites to a strong froth, and whisk them well with the sugar and yolks; beat in a pound of flour, with the rind of two lemons grated, butter your tin mould, put them in, and sift fine powder sugar over them; put them in a hot oven, but do not stop the mouth of it at first; they will take half an hour baking.

To make Spanish Biscuits.

Beat the yolk of eight eggs for half an hour, then beat in eight spoonfuls of fine sugar, beat the whites to a strong froth, then beat them well with your yolks and sugar for half an hour; put in four spoonfuls of fines flour, and a little lemon
