Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/182

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in a cloth, pound them in a mortar, and moisten them with orange flower water, or the white of an egg, lest they turn to oil; afterwards take an equal quantity of white powder sugar, the whites of four eggs, and a little milk; beat all well together, shape them round upon wafer-paper with a spoon, and bake them in a gentle oven on tin plates.

Another Way.

Take a quarter of a pound of almonds blanched, and there ounces of sugar seered, beat these together, with a little of the white of an egg and rose water, till it is thicker than batter; then drop it on wafer-paper and bake it.

To make brown Almond-Gingerbread.

Take a quarter of a pound of blanched almonds, beat exceeding fine with water wherein gum-arabic has been steeped, with a few drops of lemon juice, as much cinnamon beat, and some ginger finely grated and seered, as to make it brown; make it sweet, and smooth it well, roll it out, and cut it in square cakes rolled very thin; dry it in a stove or before the fire.

Another Way.

Take three pounds of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of butter rubbed in very fine, with two ounces of ginger, and a grated nutmeg; mix these with a pound of treacle and a quarter of a pint of cream warmed together; then make your bread stiff, roll them out, and make them in thin cakes, and bake them in a stove or oven.
