Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/191

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The Complete

then mix them, and proceed in the same manner as with almond tarts.

Another Way.

The pistachios being scalded and pounded, mix them with some pastry cream; strew over them sugar, rasped green lemon peel, and preserved lemon peel cut small; add the whites of six eggs beat up to a froth; do the rest as before.

Note.—The above two compositions with pistachios, are to be made use of with tarts, and in the following pastry.

To make a Chocolate Tart.

Put two spoonfuls of fine flour in a stew-pan, with the yolks of six eggs, reserve their whites, mix these with some milk, add a quarter of a pound of rasped chocolate, with a stick of cinnamon, some sugar, a little salt, and some rasped green lemon peel; let them be a little time over the fire, after which put in a little preserved lemon peel cut small, and having tasted whether it has a fine flavour, let it cool; when cold, mix this with the reserved whites of eggs beat up to a froth, doing the rest as before directed.

Another Way.

Put a spoonful of rice flower and a little salt into a pan, with the yolks of five eggs, a little milk, and mix them well together; then add a pint of cream, and as much sugar as is necessary; set it all to boil over a stove, taking care
