Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/202

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To make Plumb Fritters with Rice.

Grate the crumb of a penny loaf, pour over it a pint of boiling cream, or good milk, let it stand four or five hours, then beat it very fine, put to it the yolks of five eggs, four ounces of sugar, and a nutmeg grated, beat them well together, and fry them in hog's lard; drain them on a sieve, and serve them up with white wine sauce under them. You may put currants in if you please.

To make Strawberry Fritters.

Make a paste with flour, a spoonful of fine oil, chopped lemon peel, half whites of eggs beat up, and white wine sufficient to make it pretty soft, and just ready to drop with a spoon; mix some large strawberries with it; and rop the size of a nutmeg in the hot fritter, for as many as you propose to make; be careful to take them out, in the same manner, as they are draining, and glaze them with sugar.

To make Rice Fritters.

Take some rice, wash it in five or six different waters, and dry it well before the fire; then beat it in a mortar, and sift it through a lawn sieve, that it may be very fine; you must have at least an ounce of it, then put it into a saucepan, wet it, with milk and when it is well incorporated with it, add to it another pint of milk; set the whole over a stove or a very slow fire, and keep it always moving; put in a little sugar, and some candied lemon peel grated, keep it over the fire till it is almost the thickness of a fine paste, flour

a peel,