Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/206

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sweet with double refined sugar, keep it stirring till it is pretty cool, then put in the juice of half a lemon, with the peel squeezed in to give it a fine bitter; keep stirring till it is cold, then stir it up high to bring a froth in the dish; this should be made early in the morning for dinner.

To make clear Lemon Cream.

Take a little hartshorn jelly, and put into it the peel of two lemons, taking care there is none of the whites; set it over the fire, let it boil; take the whites of six eggs, and beat them well; take the juice of four lemons, grate in the peel to the juice, let it soak a little while, and afterwards put the juice and eggs together; put in such a quantity of double refined sugar as will sweeten it to your taste; let it boil very fast near a quarter of an hour, then strain it through a jelly bag, and as it runs through put it in again, till it is quite clear; after which take the peels of the lemons boiled in it, and cut them into each glass; stir it till it is half cold and put it into the glasses.

To make yellow Lemon Cream.

Grate off the peel of four lemons, squeeze the juice to it, let it steep four or five hours, strain it, put to it the whites of eight eggs and the yolks of two, well beaten and strained; add thereto a pound of double refined sugar, a quarter of a pint of rose water, and a pint of spring water; stir all these well together, set it on a quick fire, but let it not boil, and when it creams it is enough.

To make Orange Cream.

Take a fine clear Seville orange, pare the rind
