Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/210

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cream about them in heaps, taking care it does not boil when the cream is in.

To make Almond Cream.

Take almonds blanched in cold water, beat them fine with rose water and ambergris steeped in them, take the yolks of six eggs, beat your cream, being boiled with mace; put in your almonds, and when well mingled, put in your eggs, taking care that they only simmer; when it is thick take it off; your cream must be an ale pint, half a pound of almonds, and six whites of eggs; garnish with gilded almonds and dried citron.

Another Way.

Blanch almonds, bruise them small in a mortar, and strain them through a strainer with fair water; strain them through a strainer with fair water; strain them again with thick milk, and with a quarter of a pound of sugar; put them into a pot, add a little salt, and set it over the fire, stir it well, to prevent it burning to the pot; when it is boiled, take it from the fire, put a ladle of fair water into it, cover it with a dish and let it stand; then a clean cloth of an ell long, let it be held strait, and cast the cream upon it with a ladle; draw from under the cloth, the water from the cream, pin the four corners together, and hang it up again.

Another Way.

Boil a pint of cream, beat an handful of almonds very fine with rose water; take the cream off the fire and put it to the almonds, stir them together and strain it; season it with rose water
