Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/212

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To make Rhenish Cream.

Cut two calves feet very small, put them into a saucepan, with two quarts of water, a stick of cinnamon, and a little lemon peel; boil them gently till they are reduced to less than a quart, strain it, and skim off the fat; put it into a stew-pan, with a little lemon peel, two laurel leaves, a few coriander seeds, and a little saffron; sweeten it with fine sugar to your palate, and let it boil up; beat the yolks of eight eggs very fine, take the cream off the fire and stir in the eggs well; put it over the fire a moment, taking care that it does not boil; strain it through a sieve, put in a gill of rhenish wine, stir it till it is half cold, then put it into moulds; when it is cold, turn it out into a dish, and garnish as your fancy.

Another Way.

Put over the fire a pint of rhenish wine, a stick of cinnamon, and a half a pound of sugar; while this is boiling, take seven yolks and whites of eggs, beat them well together with a whisk, till your wine is half driven in them, and your eggs to a syrup; strike it very fast with the whist till it comes to that thickness that you may lift it on the point of a knife, but be sure not to let it curdle; add to it the juice of a lemon, and orange flower water; pour it into your dish, garnish it with citron, sugar, or biscuit, and serve it up.

To make cold Cream.

Take a pint of sack or rhenish wine, and a good deal of fine sugar; beat fine a quart of good
