Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/217

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The Complete

taste, stir in your eggs, put it over a gentle fire till they are thick, but you must take care they do not boil; then stir in a gill of the juice of spinach, and when it is almost cold, stir in a spoonful of orange flower water or sack; pour it into basons, and when cold serve it up.

To make Lute Cream

Boil a quart of new milk with a stick of cinnamon, a little lemon-peel, and two or three laurel leaves; sweeten it to your taste; strain it through a sieve into another stew-pan, beat up the yolks of eight eggs, and the whites of two, with a little milk, very fine; stir the eggs into the milk, put it over a slow fire, and stir it one way till it is thick; pour it into a bowl, put two spoonfuls of rose or orange flower water into it, and stir it till it is cold; then put it into glasses or cups.

To make Whipt Cream.

Take a quart of cream, put it into a broad pan, with half a pint of sack, half a pound of fine powder sugar; beat up the whites of four eggs to a high froth, and put in with some lemon peel cut thin; you may perfume it, if you please, with a little musk or ambergris tied in a bag, and steeped in the cream; whip it up well with a whisk, and as the froth rises, put it into cups, glasses, or small basons; or you may put it over fruit tarts.

To make Hartshorn Cream.

Take four ounces of hartshorn shavings, and boil it in three pints of water till it is reduced to half a pint, and run it through a jelly-bag; put
