Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/231

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The Complete

beat it up with a whisk; take off the froth as it rises, and lay it in your dish as high as you can possibly raise it.

To make Calves-foot Jelly for the above Dish.

Take four calves feet, set them on the fire in a saucepan, or pot, that will hold two gallons of water; and let them boil till they come to pieces, or two parts wasted, or till the jelly, by taking little out, be as stiff as glue; strain it through a sieve, when cold take off the fat at top; then take two quarts of this jelly, one quart of mountain wine, the juice of six large lemons, half a pound of double refined sugar, and the whites of six eggs, beat to a froth; mix all together, let it boil, and run it through a jelly-bag into a bowl, on a good quantity of lemon peel; throw what quantity you want into your dish, and pour the rest into another dish, so that you may cut it out when cold to garnish your trifle with.

To make a Floating Island.

Take a quart of very thick cream, sweeten it with fine sugar, grate in the peel of two lemons, and half a pint of sweet white wine; whisk it well, till you have raised all the froth you can, pour a pint or quart of thick cream into a china dish, according to its depth; take two French rolls, slice them thin, and lay them over the cream as light as you can; then a layer of fine calves-foot or hartshorn jelly; roll them over the currant jelly, then put the French rolls, and whip up your cream, lay it on as high as you can, and what remains pour into the bottom of
