Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/247

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The Complete

To make a Dish of Snow.

Put in cold water twelve large apples, set them on a slow fire, and when soft put them on a hair sieve, skin them, and put the pulp in a bason; beat the whites of twelve eggs into a froth; sift half a pound of double refined sugar, and strew it in eggs; beat the pulp of your apples to a strong froth, and beat them all together till they are like a stiff snow; then lay it on a china dish, heaped as high as you can, and set round green knots of paste, in imitation of Chinese rails, stick a sprig of myrtle in the dish, and serve it up.

To make Raspberry Fool.

Bruise a pint and an half of raspberries, put them through a sieve, pound half a pound of fine sugar, and sweeten them; boil a spoonful of orange flower water two or three minutes; take a pint and an half of cream and boil it; stir it till cold, and when the pulp is cold, stir them both together till they are well mixed, then put them in cups or glasses. Gooseberry fool may be made in the same manner, only using milk instead of cream, and putting in three yolks of eggs to a quart of milk; keep stirring it whilst boiling, and till it is cold: the quantity of gooseberries must be one quart.