Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/261

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The Complete


WITH a few of rendering this Treatise on Confectionary a complete preceptor to the inexperienced, and the most useful and perfect work every published on the subject, we here insert a few Bills of Fare for desserts for private families; yet that being in some degree a thing depending upon the fancy, the season of the year for fruits, &c. it will be a difficult matter to please the taste of the experienced Confectioner. However, recurring to the intention above stated, we shall endeavour to give them agreeable to the most approved methods; trusting, at least, that they will be found to be a guide to the young practitioner.

Ice cream is a thing used in all desserts, as it is to be had both winter and summer; and in London is always to be had at the confectioners.

It would be useless to give directions for Grand Desserts; those who give such rich desserts, either keep a proper person, or have them of a Confectioner; who not only has every thing wanted, but every ornament to adorn it with, without being attended with the least inconvenience. Though it certainly is highly commendable in every young Lady to attain perfection in this beautiful display of modern domestic refinements; if it be only with a view of giving instructions to her servants.
