Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/284

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fuls; the roses of yellow dock, red madder, fennel, horse-radish, and liquorice, of each three ounces; raisins stoned, one pound; nutmegs sliced, winter bark, turmeric, and galingal, of each two drachms; caraway and fennel seeds three ounces; one gallon of milk; distill all with a gentle fire in one day: you may add one handful of May wormwood.

Another Way.

Take balm, mint, carduus, angelica, rue, rosemary, and wormwood, of each half a pound, and sweeten them; distill them with two gallons of milk just taken from the cow, in a limbeck, with an iron pot; put in with the herbs a quart of water, first heat it, then carefully pour in the milk all round on the herbs, by a pint at a time, till all be poured in; this must be done in an iron pot covered with the still head, and shut close; when it boils lower the fire a little.

Note.—Do not put quite the quantity of mint and wormwood, but as much of the balm and sweet meadow as will make up the quantity.

To make Citron Water.

Take eighteen ounces of the best lemon peel bruised, nine ounces of orange peel bruised, nutmegs bruised one quarter of a pound, and three gallons of proof spirits; macerate and distil them, sweeten the water with pounds of double refined sugar, and keep it for use.
