Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/286

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To make Clary Water.

Take a quart of burrage water, put it into an earthen jug, and fill it with two or three quarts of clary flowers fresh gathered; let it fuse an hour over the fire in a kettle of water; then take out the flowers, and put in as many fresh ones, and do so for six or seven times together; after which add to the water, two quarts of the best sack, a gallon of fresh flowers, and two pounds of white sugar-candy beat small; distil it off in a cold still, mix all the water together, and when it is distilled sweeten it to your taste with the finest sugar: this is a very wholesome water, and extremely pleasant tasted if corked well and kept close.

To make Lady Hewet's Water.

Take red sage, betony, spearmint, unset hyssop, setwel, thyme, balm, pennyroyal, celendine, water cresses, heart's ease, lavender, angelica, germander, calamita, tamarisk, coltsfoot, avens, valerian, saxifrage, pimpernel, vervain, parsley, rosemary, savory, scabius, agrimony, mother thyme, wild marjorum, Roman wormwood, carduus benedictus, pellitary of the wall-field daisies, with their flowers and leaves, of each of these herbs a handful; after they are picked and washed, add rue, yellow comfry-plantain, camomile, maiden hair, sweet marjorum, and dragons, of each a handful, before they are washed or picked; red rose leaves and cowslip flowers, half a peck each; rosemary flowers, a quarter of a peck; hartshorn two ounces, juniper berries one drachm, China roots one ounce; comfry roots slices, ani-
