Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/296

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To make compound Scordium Water.

Take citrons, sorrel, goats' rue, and scordium of each one pound and London treacle two ounces; distil them in a limbeck, with two quarts of spirits of wine, and a sufficient quantity of water; of this you may draw off one gallon.

To make Aniseed Water.

Take twelve ounces of aniseeds, three gallons of proof spirits, one gallon and an half of spring water; infuse them all night in a still, and with a gentle heat draw off what runs smooth and clear; sweeten it with two pounds of brown sugar, and if you would have it very fine, distil it again, and add some more aniseeds.

To make Caraway Water.

Take three gallons of proof spirits, and half a gallon of water; add to them half a pound of caraway seeds bruised, distill and sweeten the juice with a pound and an half of brown sugar.

To make Orange or Lemon Water.

Put six quarts of brandy and one quart of sack to the outer rinds of fifty oranges or lemons, and let them steep in it one night; the next day distil them in a cold still; draw it off till you find it begins to taste sour; sweeten it to your taste with double refined sugar, and mix the first, second and third runnings together: if it be lemon peel, it should be performed with two grains of ambergris, and one of musk; grind them fine, tie them in a rag, and let it hang five or six days in each bottle; or you may put to them three or
