Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/300

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squeeze out the oil in a press. Oil of violets and other flowers may be made in the same manner.

To make Oil of Nutmegs.

Take of the best nutmegs to the quantity of oil you wish to make, cut them in small pieces, and put to them as much malmsey as will cover them; put them in a glass for two or three days, beat them at the fire, and sprinkle them with rose water; squeeze them in a press, and you will have an excellent oil; it must be kept in a vessel close stopped.

To make Oil of Benjamin.

Take six ounces of benjamin well beat into powder, and dissolved a whole day in a pound of oil of tartar and a pound of rose water; then distil it with a fine pipe through a limbeck, and keep it as an excellent thing.

To make Oil of Storax.

Take what quantity of storax liquid you please, put it into rose water two or three days, and distil it as the benjamin; first there issues out oil somewhat foul, and then an excellent oil.

To make Oil of Myrrh.

Take eggs hard roasted, cut them in the middle, take away the yolks and fill them up with myrrh beaten into powder; put them in some moist place where the myrrh may dissolve gradually. This oil makes the face and other parts of the body soft, and takes away all scars.
