Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/338

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pour off what is liquid, and squeeze out the rest; and half a pint of this will make ten gallons rough.

To recover the last Colour of White Wine or Rhenish Wine.

To do this effectually, rack the wine from the lees, and if the colour of the wine be faint and tawny, put in coniac lees, and put the wine upon them, rolling and shaking them together a considerable time in the cask; in ten or twelve days rack off the wine, and it will be of a proper colour, and drink brisk and fine.

To prevent the Decay of lowering Wine.

Take an ounce of roach-alum powder, draw out four gallons of the wine, and strew the powder over it; beat it well for the space of half of an hour, then fill up the cask, and set it on broach, being careful to let it take vent; by this means, in three or four days you will find it a curious brisk wine.

To rack Wine.

This is done with such instruments as are useful, and appropriated to the manner of doing it, and cannot be so well described by words as by seeing it done; however, observe this in doing it: let it be when the wind sets full north, and the weather is temperate and clear, that the air may the better agree with the constitution of the wine, and make it take more kindly. It is likewise most proper to do it in the increase of the moon, when she is under the earth, and not in full height, &c.
