Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/343

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The Complete

To make Raspberry Brandy.

Take two gallons of raspberries, pick them from the stalks, bruise them with your hands, and put them into a cask; pour eight gallons of good brandy over them, put in two pounds of loaf sugar beat fine, and a quart of sack; stir all well together, and let it stand a month; then draw it off clear into another cask, and when it is fine bottle it, cork the bottles well, and keep it for use.

To make Sir John Cope's Shrub.

Take two gallons of brandy, twenty-four Genoa Lemons, and peel the yellow rinds very thin; throw away all the whites of the rinds, slice the lemons, and throw away the stones; then let yellow rind, and the lemons so sliced, infuse in the brandy five or six days; drain them through a thick flannel, and put to the brandy a gallon of white wine or rhenish, with six pounds of white sugar; bottle it up, and let it be close sealed.

To make Currant Shrub.

Take white currants full ripe, mash them with your hands, then strain them through a hair sieve, and to one gallon of rum or brandy put five pints of the currant juice, and a pound of loaf sugar; cover it up close, and let it stand two or three days, stirring it twice a day; then run it through a jelly bag: it is best to put half the spirits to the juice, and add the other half when you bottle it off.
