Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/348

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To make Milk Punch for present drinking.

To two quarts of water put two quarts of French brandy, a dozen and an half of lemons, three quarters of a pound of double refined sugar, and three pints of new milk; strain it frequently through a jelly bag till it is clear and fine; you must make it two or three days before you use it, and may bottle it off, but it will preserve its goodness for some time.


General Observations on Pickling.

The knowledge of pickling is very essential in a family, but it is to be lamented, that the health of individuals is often endangered, merely to gratify the age. Things known to be pernicious, are frequently made use of, in order to procure a brighter colour to the thing meant to be pickled. It is indeed a common practice to make use of brass utensils, that the verdigrease extracted from it may give an additional tint to all pickles intended to be green; not considering that they are communicating an absolute poison to that which they are preparing for their food. Such inconsiderate proceedings, it is hoped, will hereafter be avoided, especially as there is no necessity for having recourse to such pernicious means, when these articles will become
