Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/350

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covered with vine leaves, with a cloth and dish over the top, to keep in the steam, which will help to green them the sooner; when they are greened, put them in an hair sieve to drain, and then make the following pickle for them: to every two quarts of white vinegar, put half an ounce of mace, ten or twelve cloves, an ounce of ginger cut into slices, an ounce of black pepper and an handful of salt. Boil them all together for five minutes, pour it hot upon your pickles, and tie them down with a bladder for use. You may pickle them with ale, ale-vinegar, or distilled vinegar; and you may add three or four cloves or garlic or shallots.

To pickle Cucumbers in Slices.

Take some large cucumbers before they are too ripe, slice them of the thickness of crown pieces in a pewter dish; to every twelve cucumbers, slice two large onions thin, and so on till you have filled your dish, with a handful of salt between every row; then cover them with another pewter dish, and let them stand twenty-four hours; then put them into a cullender, and let them drain well; put them in a jar, cover them over with white wine vinegar, and let them stand four hours; pour the vinegar from them into a copper saucepan, and boil it with a little salt; put to the cucumbers a little mace and whole pepper, a large race of ginger sliced, and then pour the boiling vinegar on; cover them close, and when they are cold tie them down: they will be fit to eat in two or three days.
