Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/355

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The Complete

it boil, then pour it hot on the nuts; tie them over with a woollen cloth, and let them stand a week; then pour that pickle from them, rub the nuts clean with a piece of flannel, and put them again into a jar, with vine leaves as before-mentioned; boil fresh vinegar, and to every gallon of vinegar, four or five pieces of ginger, a quarter of an ounce of mace, and the same quantity of whole black pepper; pour the vinegar boiling hot upon the walnuts, and cover them with a woollen cloth; let it stand four or five days, and repeat the same four or five times; when the vinegar is cold, put in half a pint of mustard-seed, a stick of horse-radish sliced; tie them down with a bladder, and then with leather; they will be fit to eat in three weeks. If they are intended to be kept, the vinegar must not be boiled, but then they will not be ready under six months.

To pickle French Beans.

Pour a boiling-hot wine over your French beans, and cover them close; the next day drain and dry them; then pour over them a boiling-hot pickle of white wine vinegar, Jamaica pepper, black pepper, a little mace and ginger; repeat this for two or three days or till the beans look green.

To pickle Red Cabbage.

Slice your cabbage cross-ways, put it on an earthen dish, and sprinkle an handful of salt over it; cover it with another dish, and let it stand twenty-four hours; then put it into a cul-
