Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/364

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days; repeat this two or three times; when it is cold, put in a pint of mustard-seed, some horse-radish, and cover them close.

To pickle Lemons.

Take twelve lemons, and scrape them with a piece of broken glass; then cut them across in several parts, but not quite through so that they will hang together; put in as much salt as they will hold, rub them well, and strew them over with salt; let them lay in an earthen dish three days, and turn them every day; slit an ounce of ginger very thin, and salted for three days, a small handful of mustard-seeds bruised and searced through a hair sieve, and some red India pepper; take your lemons out of the salt, squeeze them very gently, put them into a jar with the spice and ingredients, and cover them with the best white vine vinegar; stop them up very close, and in a month's time they will be fit to eat.

To pickle Grapes.

Get grapes at the full growth, but not ripe, cut them in small bunches fit for garnishing, put them in a stone jar, with vine leaves between every layer of grapes; then take as much spring water as you think will cover them, put in a pound of bay-salt, and as much white salt as will make it bear an egg; dry your bay-salt, and pound it, it will melt the sooner, put it into a bell-metal or cooper pot,boil and skim it well, and as it boils take the black scum off, but not the white; when it has boiled a quarter of an hour,
