Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/380

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method is used by the liquorist distillers but for the oils of cloves, nutmegs, and mace.

Some assert that the oil of jumper berries is very good drawn per ascensum.

The third and last called per latus, that is to say, sidely or by the side, is never practised but by chymists; therefore we shall pass it over in silence.

Definition of Spirits.

By spirits is meant the most subtile particles of any bodies whatsoever.

All bodies, without any exception are impregnated with spirits in more or less quantities.

These particles are an igneous substance, which by its very nature is susceptible of and disposed to a great commotion.

That subtile portion of bodies is more or less, disposed to secretion according as the bodies in which it is contained are more or less persons or more or less oily.

Definition of Essences.

By essences are meant in distillery, as well as chymistry, the oily parts of a body; that sort of oil called essence may be extracted from all sorts of bodies, and constitutes one of the principles with which they are composed. At least it has been ascertained by those who have been particular in their observations, that nothing had been distilled from which oil or essence could not be extracted. In every sort of distillation made from fruits, flowers, sweet smelling spices principally, and all other sorts of spices put in diges-
