Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/45

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The Complete

will repeat this operation during the four days following, and strain the sugar off every time, and boil it before you put the pears in, because, as your will perceive, the sugar always throws off a white scum, which must be taken off; and it is after that you must put your pears in and boil them. When, you see the syrup is very thick, and that your pears have well taken the sugar, put them in pots, and take care that they be well covered with syrup, or else they will-soon turn mouldy. Cover them with paper or parchment.

To preserve moist Ananas, or Pine Apples.

Take any quantity of ananas, cut them into four quarters, or in round slices, and pare off the skin, then take clarified sugar and water in equal quantities, put in the ananas, and proceed as before, taking care to skim them well during the time you are doing them; for it is very essential to remark, that when you are making any sort of preserves whatever, if you do not skim them well they are apt to grow sour, which occasions a great deal of trouble to repair them again. You must not boil the ananas in water first, as directed for the other fruits, because it would deprive it of its best substance and flavour.

To preserve Oranges with Marmalade in them, and Lemons.

Pare your oranges; make a round hole in the bottom, where the stalk grew, the bigness of a shilling; take out the meat and put them into salt and water for two or three hours, then boil
