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1. Whether the inertia of matter has or has not a complete electromagnetic explanation is a question that it will perhaps take many years to answer with any degree of certainty. The experiments of Kaufmann seem to prove that in the case of a single electron the mass is entirely of this origin; and it is impossible therefore to avoid the conclusion that at least a fraction of ordinary material inertia is also electromagnetic. Doubtless there is a psychological cause for our reluctance to accept the electromagnetic explanation as complete, constant familiarity with ponderable bodies having blinded us to the possibility of anything being more fundamental ; but certain it is, that if we free ourselves from prejudice as much as possible and adopt the well-tried policy of choosing the simplest theory which adequately represents the phenomena, —the theory that is, which involves the least number of variables,— we must decide in favour of the complete electromagnetic explanation, which involves only the aether and its properties.

2. The complexity of the Zeeman effect and the relations