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Ere morrow wake, or the low-rooſted larke
From her thatch't palate rowſe, if otherwiſe
I can conduct you Ladie to a low
But loyall cottage, where you may be ſafe
Till further queſt.La. Shepheard I take thy word,
And truſt thy honeſt offer'd courteſie,
Which oft is ſooner found in lowly ſheds
With ſmoakie rafters, then in tapſtrie halls,
And courts of Princes, where it firſt was nam'd,
And yet is moſt prætended: in a place
Leſſe warranted then this, or leſſe ſecure
I cannot be, that I ſhould feare to change it,
Eye me bleſt Providence, and ſquare my triall
To my proportion'd ſtrength. Shepheard, lead on.—

The two Brothers.

Eld bro. Vnmuffle, yee faint ſtars, and thou fair moon
That wontſt to love the travailers benizon
Stoope thy pale viſage through an amber cloud
And diſinherit Chaos, that raigns here
In double night of darkneſſe, and of ſhades;
Or if your influence be quite damm'd up
With black uſurping miſts, ſome gentle taper
Though a ruſh candle from the wicker hole
Of ſome clay habitation viſit us
With thy long levell'd rule of ſtreaming light
And thou ſhalt be our ſtarre of Arcadie
Or Tyrian Cynoſure.2 Bro. Or if our eyes
Be barr'd that happineſſe, might we but heare
The folded flocks pen'd in their watled cotes,
Or ſound of paſtoral reed with oaten ſtops,
Or whiſtle from the Lodge, or village cock
