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That in the various buſtle of reſort
Were all to ruffl'd, and ſometimes impair'd.
He that has light within his owne cleere breſt
May ſit i'th center, and enjoy bright day,
But he that hides a darke ſoule, and foule thoughts
Benighted walks under the mid-day Sun,
Himſelfe is his owne dungeon.
2. Bro. 'Tis moſt true
That muſing meditation moſt affects
The Penſive ſecrecie of deſert cell
Farre from the cheerefull haunt of men, and heards,
And ſits as ſafe as in a Senat houſe
For who would rob an Hermit of his weeds
His few books, or his beades, or maple diſh,
Or doe his gray hairs any violence?
But beautie like the faire Heſperian tree
Laden with blooming gold, had need the guard
Of dragon watch with uninchanted eye
To ſave her bloſſoms, and defend her fruit
From the raſh hand of bold Incontinence.
You may as well ſpread out the unſun'd heaps
Of miſers treaſure by an outlaws den
And tell me it is ſafe, as bid me hope
Danger will winke on opportunitie
And let a ſingle helpleſſe mayden paſſe
Vninjur'd in this wild ſurrounding waſt.
Of night, or lonelyneſſe it recks me not
I feare the dred events that dog them both,
leſt ſome ill greeting touch attempt the perſon
Of our unowned ſifter.
Eld. Bro. I doe not brother
Inferre, as if I thought my ſiſters ſtate
