Page:Concepts for detection of extraterrestrial life.djvu/60

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The solar panels, with 9,800 solar cells, collected energy from the Sun and converted it into electrical power. Two-way communications were supplied by the receiver/transmitter, two transmitting antennas and the command antenna for receiving. Stabilization for yaw, pitch, and roll was provided by 10 cold-gas jets mounted in four locations and fed by two titanium bottles.

A later Mariner will carry additional devices past Mars in 1966–67. If an instrumented package does land on the Martian surface it will be to determine the density profile of the Martian atmosphere. Not until 1969, 1971, or 1973 will actual life-detection devices, using systems evolved from Mariner-level payloads to larger payloads of the Voyager class, be considered for effective surface landing and operation.

One of the flyby experiments may consist of an infrared scanning system capable of measuring reflected visible radiation, emitted surface radiation (thermal), and radiation absorbed by atmospheric water vapor. Figure 19 shows the general optical scheme for the instrument. This type of Mars “mapping” will provide useful information with respect to microenvironments for possible extraterrestrial life.

Figure 19.—Optical schematic diagram for Mars scanner.