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CONTENTS Life History of the California Condor. Part II.--Historical Data and Range of the Condor (with four photos by [?oM?nan and the author)... 14/illiam L. Finley 5 The Locust-destroying Birds of the Transvaal ........ Dr. Frederich I4/. D'?Evelyn Nesting of the Western Horned Owl in Colorado (with two photos)..q.B. Rochwell Northwestern Colorado Bird Notes (with two photos and map).. Edward R. Warren 18 The Tawny Creeper in Western Washington (with two photos) ..... .f. It. Bowles The Southern California Chickadee ............................. fosep? Grinnell Notes from the Diary of a Naturalist in Northern California (with two photos) ..... ........................................................... John F. Ferry 3o An Arizona Nest Census ........................................... F. C. 14/illard 44 The N?w Reserves on the Washington Coast (with three photos) ................. ................................................... Fv'illia? Leon Dawson 45 FROM FIELD ?a. ND STUDY Field Notes from Central California ......................... f. R. Pe?btrton 5o Da. fila acura breeding at Buena Vista Lake, Kern Co., California.. C./t. ?Li?iton 5o The Common Tern and Rudd? Turnstone in Southern California...(;. ll"illett 50 The Pacific Fulmar in San Diego Bay ......................... C. B. i, ton 50 Is the Mountain Bluebird Resident at High Altitudes ...... ,4ustin Paul Smith 5o EDITORIALS .................................................................. PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .................................................... 52 MINU?ES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ....................................... Entered as second-dasa matter May l?o6 at the post office at Pasadena, Calilornia. under Act of Congress of March $. x870. Issued from The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. Subscribers In sending in renewals for I908 please note that the price of TH? CONDOR is nOW ?1.?O per year in the United States, Mexico and U.S. Colonies. ,? ?1.7:? per year in Canada and all other countries in the International Postal Union. IV[embers $2.OO includes THE as before. Dues of CONDOR Sub- scription Send in Early and Avoid 1?4issing Any Numbers Send Subscriptions and Dues to J. EUGENE LAW, BVSXNESS MA?ACER, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA. When replying to advertisements please mention TIIE CONDOR