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Pintail Duckling looking pleasant (frontispiece) ............. Finley and Bohlman 4 Notes on Albatrosses and other Pelagic Birds in Australian Waters ...... .. ......................................... Dr. T. W. Richards, U.S. Navx 5 Nesting of the Xantus Murrelet as Observed on Los Coronados Islands, Lower ... California .............................................. Chester Lamb 8 Some Rare Birds and Sets of Eggs from the Cape Region of Lower California ..... .................... : ............................ .John E. Thayer 10 Notes on the Birds of Southwestern lvlontrose County, Colorado (with two maps) .................................................... Edward R. lVarren 11 Birds of the Big Basin (with three photos by Olt J. Heinemann) ............... .......................................................... iV[ilion S. Ray 18 Notes on tlie Habits of thainopepla nilens .............. Irarriel lVilliams ]P/yers 22 The History of Colorado Ornithology (with two maps) ...... Roberl B. Rockwell 24 FROlvl FIELD AND STUDY Microscopic Subspecies: a Reply ............................. I-l. 17. /(aeding 32 Some Interesting Colorado Records ................... Edward R. lVarren 33 Correction of Errors ................................. Robert 17. Rockwell 33 Tapeworm Epidemic among Washington Seabirds .............. J. Ja Albino Eggs of the House Finch (Carpodacus mezricanus ronlalis) .... .............................. Dr. T. IV. Richards, U.S. 2ivy 34 Oological ...................................... Robcrt ]L Rockwell 34 A Flight of Shearwaters. ............................... J. tg. Bowles 34 EDITORIAL NOTES. ....................................... 35 MINUTES O1' COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................ 35 Entered as second-Class matter February, o8, at the post offic- at; os Angeleb (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, Issped {tom The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Braidluff. Hollywood, Cal The Guide to Nature

The best General Magazine 

of Nature Fver Publisht A successful attempt to publish a "Professional" Nlagazine with the Amateur Spirit. Attempts of various parties in the past have shown that it is very easy to Publish in the amateur way, with the amateur spirit. But soon the b6dy was "dead" and only the spirit left. , The Guide to Nature is for all students and lovers of nature. That includes all ornithologists, tho it isn't an ornithological magazine. -There are really some things in nature beside birds that are worth while. The Guide to Nature is too good, too expensive for free distribution. No other nature magazine ever publisht contains so many beautiful illustrations. Send 15c for single copy, or join with us whole-heartedly and send $1.50 for a year EDWAIKD F. BIGELOW, Stamford, Connecticut Managing Editor. When replying to adverttsetuents please mention THE CONDOR