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Jan., 1909 EDITORIAL NOTES THE CONDOIK .t?xn Ilha?tratecl l?fa?azine of ?e?t?rn Ornl, tLxolo?r Publiskt Bi-?onthly by the Coop? O?nlthol?- cal Club of Callforn? J?SE? GRIN?L, E?r. Berketey, C?I. ? E?ENE LAW, ?iness ?nafer, Molly?od, Cal. W. LEE ?AMfiEES, Asslanai Bmlnesa M?ae?, Sn? M?x, C?. HoUywood, Caonda: Pub#ht Jan., 15,1909 $UB$CKIPTIO N RATES One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Yea?' in the United States Mexico, and U.S. CoI?ui?, payable in 8dvsnce Thi? ? ? d? ?. One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents per Year in ?11 other countries in the I?emati?na} P?I Union. Claims for missh? or i?nperfect numbers should be made within thirty ?y? of date of issue. Subscriptions and Exchanges should be sent to the Busiu?s? Manager. N&nuscr?pts for publication, and Books and Pupera for review should be sent to the ?ditor. 16ver,fi?ng ,Rata? on a?li?tion. EDITORIAL NOTES By a new arrangement which it is believed will bring about a convenient handling of CONDOR affairs, Mr. J. Eu?gene Law will again act as Business Manager, while 1Ilr. W. Lee Chambers will occttpy the newly-created po- sition of Assistant B?.siness lV?anager. Since our magazine has grown to its present size the amount of basiness to he transacted during a year has become more than one person can con- veniently attend to. By d'ividing the work between two business managers, the dmcIgery is duly Lessened. From now on, therefore, clues and subscrip- tions maybe sent either'to J. EUGE?I? LAw, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, or to W. LEE CHAMBERS? SANTA MOl?ICA? CALI17ORNIA. A new bird club has beer? orgaau?ed. On December'19 l?st, at lahe home of Mr. W. L. l?awsou in Seattle, was held an entht?siastic convention of northwestern bird students. The ?Lt was the lornration of the '?'Ca?inus Cl?b", having as its emblem the Ancient Mnr- ?e?et. The following offsets were chosen: President, lV?r. S. F. Rathbur?; Vice-PresiGeRt, l?Ir. W. L. Finley; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. W'. L. Dawson. Beside those j?st named, 1V?r. J. H. Bowles, Mr. Allan Brooks and Mr. J. M. Ed?on were present as charter men, hers. We wish the new society a very pleasant future. Mr. Claude Cummings, a? active member of the Co?per Club, was accidentally killed at his home in Pinole, Cotxtra Costa County, by the discharge of a gun which he was cleaning. Mr. Ctmanvings' work among birds was done in Sonoma, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties and tho thru his modesty but little ever ap- peared in print he was a close and careful observer of the birds and obtained much in- formation of value. It was in Sonoma that the writer first met Mr. Cummings and spent a number of days afield with him. In the death of Mr. Cummings the birds lose a friend and the Club a loyal member.--H. W. Cxaa?G?V.. The sketch maps of Colorado used in Rock- well's article on "The History of Colorado Ornithology", form part of a very complete series of maps owned and publisht by the Clason Map Company of Denver, who gener- ously permitted them to be publisht by TH? CONDOR free of charge. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIVISION Nov?M?ER.--The November meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held in the Oakland Chamber of Commerce BUilding? 12th and Franklin Streets, Oakland, on the 21st last., with ten members present and one vis- itor. H. W. Cartiger was selected as Secretary pro letupore. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and approved as read. A communication from the secretary of the Elmhurst Recreation Park Co. was read and placed on file. Applications for membership of Forrest Hanford, 1363 11th St., Oaktand, proposecI by J. Grinnell, and Stanley G. Jewerr, 541 Lexmgton Ave., Portland, proposed hy W. Otto Emerson, were, in accordance with the by-laws, laid over until the next meeting. The election by the Southern Division of Mr. Clarence H. Luther of Fayetteville, Ar- kansas, was approved. Mr. Grinnell moved that in the future, the Club meet monthly, alternate meetings to be held at Stanford, commencing on December 12, 1908; and the motion was carried. Mr. J. E. Law, desiring to resign as Business 3/ranager, on motion made by Mr. Grinnell, the chair appointed Mr. Lee Chambers of Santa Monica, as Business Manager for the balance of the year. On motion made by Mr. Emer- son, the Club extended a vote of thanks to Mr. J. E. Law, retiring Business Manager, for faithful services rendered during the past year, and the Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Law accordingly. On motion by Mr. Grinnell the Club voted to publish Avifauna No. 5 (a bibliography of C?lifornia ornithology), provided the Chrb-at- large be not responsible for any of the costs of publishing the same. lipon further motion Mr. Lee Chambers was selected as a committee of one to take charge of the financing of Art- fauna No. 5. Mr. Grinnell moved? an& the motion carried, that the Club resolve to publish a ten-year in- dex of T?E Co?'Doa. Mr. W. O. Emerson was appointed by the Chair to secure the neces- sary funds to publish the ten-year index. Nominations of officers for 1909 were held,