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76 THE CONDOR VoL. XI of the present meadowlark law and asked the members present to work against any change. Cohen thought that the Club ought to oppose any proposed change in the lark law. He moved that a committee be appointed to draft resolutions to that effect and to also keep in touch with the State Legislature. Mr. Cohen and Mr. Emerson were appointed by the chair, accordingly. A report was called for from the Business Manager, but was not at hand. It was then developed that no report had been made for three years. Mr. Cohen then moved that a report be called for and be made at the next meeting. Mr. Cohen also moved that a com- mittee be appointed to investigate the finances of the Club, and better the same if necessary. The chair appointed Messrs. Cartiger, Emer- son and Kaeding. On motion of Mr. Grinnell nominations for officers for the coming year were opened. On account of a change of resxdence Mr. Taylor asked that his name be withdrawn as Secre- tary. Mr. Pemberton then nominated Mr. Cartiger. Mr. Wheeler was also nominated for the office of Senior Vice-President. The election of officers was then held with the following result: President, Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn; Senior Vice-President, W. K. Fisher; Junior Vice-President, E. W. Gifford; Secretary, H. W. Cartiger. Mr. Cohen moved that Mr. Lee Chambers be appointed Assistant Business Manager. After a short discussion the m?eting then adjourned. J. S. HUNTER, Secret?try. SOUTHERN DIVISION DECEMBER.--The December meeting was called to order by President Motcorn at the City Hall, Los Angeles, Tuesday evening, De- cember 29, 1908, with members Howard Rob- ertson, H.J. Lelande, C. B. Linton,' Chester Lamb, H. T. Clifton, Virgil Owen, H. B. Kaed- ing, Willard Chamberlain and Howard Wright present. The minutes of the last meeting, December 3, 1908, were read and approved. The following application for membership was presented: William Ray Shaw, Long Beach, Cal., proposed by Mr. C. B. Linton. Messrs. H. E. Carper, H. E. Wilder, C. H. Luther and J. Warren Jacobs were elected to active membership in the Club, the two latter subject to the approval of the Club-at-large. Nominations for officers for 1909 were made as follows: For President, G. Frean Motcorn; Vice-President, H. J. Lelande; Secretary, J. Eugene Law; Treasurer, W. Lee Chambers. The Club discussed at length the question of financing the Ten-Year Index, and a communi- cation was read from Mr. Emerson who has been appointed by the Northern Division to raise funds for the publication. A newspaper clipping from the Los Angeles Record was read by the Secretary, and after a general discussion it was moved and seconded that it be sent to Dr. T. S. Palmer for his per- usai. The clipping was headed, "To Make War on the Meadowlarks" and was dated Stockton, December 29. It stateg. titat J. W. Stuckenbruck announces that at the next meet- ing of the Legislature he will introduce a bill repealing the game law which protects the Meadowlark, as it has increased so much dur- ing its protection that it is now proving very destructive to the vineyard growers. Mr. W. L. Finley's entire series of Califor- nia Condor photos were then placed on exhi- bition and the rest of the evening was spent . in looking over the finest series of bird photos which have ever been taken. Adjourned. W. LEE CHAMBERS, Secrelarypro tern. JANUAR.--The January meeting was called to order by Vice-President H. J. Lelande at his office in the City Hall, Thursday evening, Janu- ary 28,1909, with members H. J. Lelande, George Willerr, Loye Holmes Miller, W. Lee Cham- bers, O. W. Howard, E. tL Howard, Chester Lamb, Virgil Owen, Plugtee I. Osburn, H. T. Clifton, Willard Chamberlain, W. P. Taylor, Howard Wright and J. Eugene Law present, and Mr. Austin F. Roberts visiting. The minutes of the last meeting, December 29, 1908, were read and approved. Applications for membership were presented as follows: John Rowley, Palo Alto, Cal., pro- posed by J. Grinnell; H. H. Kimball, Fresno, Cal., proposed by J. Grinnell; Jesse T. Craven, Detroit, Mich., proposed by W. Lee Chambers; Walter B. Barrows, East Lansing, Mich., pro- posed by W. Lee Chambers; Austin F. Roberts, Pasadena, Cal., proposed by Walter P. Taylor. On motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. Taylor and duly carried, the Secretary was in- structed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership William Ray Shaw of Long Beach, Cal. On motion by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Taylor and duly carried, nominations for offi- cers for 1909 were declared closed. On motion by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Mr. Miller and duly carried, the Secretary was in- structed to cast the unanimous ballot of those 'present, electing the officers for 1909 as nomi- nated at the last meeting. The resignation of Mr. E. A. Howard was presented, his absence from the United States in the wilds of Central America for a long period to come making it impossible for him to keep in touch with the Club. There being no objection the resignation was accepted. Adjourned. J. EUGENE LAw, Secretary.